In spite of many, many public warnings, users of Windows and Microsoft's various cloud-based services appear to still be committing the cyber sin of password reuse.
With six million Instagram accounts hacked, are passwords now a liability and is it time to turn on that Instagram two-factor authentication?
By protecting machine-to-machine communication using machine identity protection, you can help stop many insider threats and a wide variety of other security threats, before they can damage your network and your company as a whole.
From Uber to MailChimp, even the most technologically advanced and capable companies seem to struggle with keeping sensitive data safe and secure. And much of it comes down to one major data security pitfall – authorization oversight.
Millennials, a tech-savvy bunch often on the go, tend to kick caution to the curb when it comes to protecting personal information as growing up with technology often creates a false sense of security.
Remote working is rapidly increasing in current pandemic situation but every remote connection creates a new access point that hackers can exploit. What can you do to fully minimize the risks?
Multi-factor authentication might not be as effective as before to secure user accounts and profiles. What are the ways used by hackers to bypass the authentication?
Study on 9 billion recovered login credentials shows significant password reuse which can help cybercriminals conduct credential stuffing attacks and possible account takeover.
Securing Active Directory credentials is absolutely crucial to protect against network breaches. Access management can help put a protective layer at the forefront of your network.
Honeypots set up by Sophos logged a staggering amount of scripted attacks attempting to pass default credentials. What’s more alarming is the aggressive speed and scale of these attempts with the first attack in less than 60 seconds.