Oregon DMV and Louisiana OMV were impacted by the MOVEit cyber attack exposing sensitive information of virtually all the states’ ID and driver’s license holders.
Pro-Russian Killnet DDoS group took responsibility for the cyber attack that shut down the EU parliament website after members passed a resolution designating Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.
Retailer WH Smith suffered a cyber attack that leaked employee data, including names, dates of birth, and National Insurance Numbers. The incident leaked the data of current and former employees, but customer data was unaffected.
Two new cyber attack attempts, one in the San Francisco Bay Area and another in Pennsylvania, will keep water supply security in the news. But sensational media headlines may also be stoking an unnecessary level of fear among the general public.
The attribution of the Wuhan cyber attack was followed by an announcement from Chinese authorities that a "highly secretive global reconnaissance system" run by US intelligence agencies would be exposed.
A cyber attack has compromised UK fashion retailer JD Sports with 10 million records of customer data stolen from online purchases made between November 2018 and October 2020.
Australian-based American defense contractor Austal USA has confirmed a cyber attack after the Hunters International ransomware group listed the company and shared samples of the stolen data as proof. Austal USA undertakes major U.S. Navy shipbuilding programs.
North Korean hackers are running cyber attacks that focus on fraudulent cash-outs at ATM machines by hacking payment systems, augmenting with use of social engineering elements.
In total, the cyber attack on Indonesia’s national data center impacted about 200 government agencies. Travel and immigration saw the most dramatic impacts, but also received priority attention and have largely been restored at this point.
The cyber attack impacted a "small number of servers" but nevertheless caused issues with NHS 111 scheduling, and the system outages may not be fully resolved for at least several days.