Combining elements of information security, business continuity, and organizational resilience, a cyber resilience strategy can enable rapid recovery from an inevitable attack with little to no operational disruption.
Surge in ransomware attacks and the complex cybersecurity landscape – complicated by the growing adoption of remote work – are giving cyber insurance companies leverage to hike premiums at alarming rates. Here are three strategies to help you find keep costs affordable and get approved for coverage you need.
As enterprises work to weather the COVID-19 crisis, they are applying the lessons learned to strengthen their cyber resilience, and to embed data security, privacy and compliance into their IT infrastructure.
The European Commission has released its proposal for a comprehensive framework of cybersecurity requirements for products with digital elements in the EU – the EU Cyber Resilience Act. This is an important step towards a more robust harmonized set of cybersecurity rules.
Microsoft/Marsh survey examines whether Asia’s confidence in its cyber resilience stems from truly strong defensive postures, or a misunderstanding of the threat landscape.
The three top goals of most every organization are security, cyber resilience, and profitability. When an organization partners cyber resilience with the business, the result is a more secure and profitable institution.
Long the weakest link in networks, smart devices and similar connected devices could soon be forced to bolster their defenses by the EU Cyber Resilience Act, requiring design-level security and ongoing patching.
With the widespread availability of ChatGPT and other Generative AI applications today, research shows a 135% increase in ‘novel social engineering’ attacks in January and February of 2023 alone.
To prevent a true calamity, we need to bolster our cyber resilience by evolving our approaches and responses to cyber threats, be they ransomware or state-sponsored attacks, by using extensive scenario planning and wargaming.
A new study from Tanium indicates that businesses overwhelmingly believe that cyber resilience and business resilience is fundamental, but have a great deal of trouble achieving it.