A finalized FTC order directs Marriott and its subsidiary Starwood to implement a robust data security program within 180 days to protect personal information from exposure.
Data security and cybersecurity are often conflated but require distinct approaches. Traditional cybersecurity, focused on access control and encryption, overlooks the complexities of data consumption.
International firms, particularly those big Tech firms with operations in major markets such as China, EU and the US, are facing an increasingly challenging task in the evolving data security and personal information protection regulatory environment.
A recent airport ban seems to have prompted a Weibo post by the company offering reassurances on its data security. The post reiterated that Tesla staff cannot access customer video remotely.
Data security has increasingly become a key aspect of cybersecurity because of the large amounts of data being generated, stored and shared by both individuals and organizations. The shift from cybersecurity to data security indicates a more holistic approach to protecting sensitive data in organizations.
As organizations transition their digital infrastructure to cloud environments, new complexities around data security are born. This increasingly diverse data landscape will fundamentally alter cybersecurity in 2023, from the technologies deployed, to the processes followed, to the people leading the charge.
Organizations that have more mature data governance and information security programs are likely to have some level of integration between these functions already, but many continue to struggle with the idea and often treat them as separate, siloed programs.
For IT asset disposition (ITAD), data safety and destruction isn’t just a technological issue, it’s a human one as well – based on procedure and trust. So how do we build a more trustworthy process?
A hybrid-remote working model has created a wider attack surface. Many organizations still tend to make critical mistakes with regards to data security that, if left unaddressed, can lead to drastic consequences for the entire business.
Regulatory bodies around the world will continue to implement rules and penalties related to maintaining privacy. The NIST Privacy Framework offers some valuable guidelines for continuous compliance.