Mobile spyware is not a threat that will lessen anytime soon. Mobile devices present an attack surface that is ripe for threat actors. To mitigate the mobile security risk at its root, organizations need to employ an agent on the devices they manage that analyzes applications installed and the SDKs within them.
How do high-security organizations allow their employees to be as productive as possible without sacrificing data security and their own personal safety? The good news is that solutions are not only available, but increasingly are being adopted.
Russian firm of uncertain backing called Operation Zero appears to be shaking up the zero-day exploit market, offering up to $20 million if hackers and researchers come to them first. Company claims that the market is undervalued.
Verizon's annual mobile security report paints a picture of a landscape increasingly dependent on mobile devices to get work done, this pattern has been driven primarily by the pandemic conditions.
While many CISOs are considering a TikTok ban on corporate devices, implementation can be challenging for any organization especially to those with a BYOD policy. Unified endpoint management (UEM) can play a crucial role in meeting this challenge.