New Verizon rewards program will give you coffee, music and rides in exchange for your behavioral data for targeted ads. What's the price for your privacy?
Since 5G is not simply a faster version of 4G, but rather, an entirely new network architecture, it opens the door to entirely new security models for user privacy, identity management, and threat detection.
Telecoms giant AT&T confirmed a third-party data breach involving a marketing vendor exposing 9 million customer accounts to unauthorized access.
Securus data scandal exposes cavalier attitude of location aggregators and mobile carriers towards location data and consumer privacy.
Cybereason recently exposed a multi-year cyber espionage operation carried out by Chinese hackers where they follow their targets moving from country to country by hopping from one breached network to another.
New report shows Chinese hackers engaging in cyber espionage by stealing SMS messages and phone records to track and monitor top diplomats and foreign leaders.
Top Chinese telecom operators have jointly introduced a new 5G messaging service based on the GSMA RCS standard that seeks to replace WeChat, the popular Chinese messaging app.
Hear what AT&T CPO, Tom Moore, has to say about the company’s privacy policy and how it supports the mission to inspire human progress through the power of communication and entertainment.
The U.S. Senate has passed a unanimous resolution to pay rural telecom carriers $1 billion to 'rip and replace' ZTE and Huawei equipment from their networks.
Newly leaked internal document suggests that Facebook data sharing program with U.S. top mobile carriers may be highly extensive and intrusive.