SIM swap attack is on the rise which includes the recent Twitter hack on their CEO’s account. Attackers used social engineering to convince telco to switch target’s number to their own SIM cards.
Hear what AT&T CPO, Tom Moore, has to say about the company’s privacy policy and how it supports the mission to inspire human progress through the power of communication and entertainment.
Sprint claims recent data breach will not cause risk to fraud or identify theft but the compromised customer information could lead to SIM swap attacks and allow attackers to take over victim’s accounts.
Exclusion of Huawei from U.S. market is a distraction from addressing cyber threats in 5G networks where much greater number of connected devices could be subjected to attacks.
Cybereason recently exposed a multi-year cyber espionage operation carried out by Chinese hackers where they follow their targets moving from country to country by hopping from one breached network to another.
IoT market pushed by 5G connection is expected to grow fast and occupy $6.285 billion by 2025, the next shift will be to move users towards edge computing with devices getting stronger and cheaper to produce.
Newly leaked internal document suggests that Facebook data sharing program with U.S. top mobile carriers may be highly extensive and intrusive.
5G technology plus 74 billion IoT devices estimated by 2025, it’s no surprise that IoT security is one of the top concerns keeping many executives up at night.
Huawei has made “no material progress” on addressing Huawei cybersecurity flaws discovered a year ago. Recent HCSEC study shows Huawei cybersecurity practices are untrustworthy and present high risk to the UK for large 5G network build-outs.
Since 5G is not simply a faster version of 4G, but rather, an entirely new network architecture, it opens the door to entirely new security models for user privacy, identity management, and threat detection.