New Senate report reveals that the government’s biggest targets are not keeping pace with threats. Seven of eight federal agencies were found to have not made any meaningful improvements to their security since 2019.
U.S. entertainment and media law firm with A-list celebrity clients such as Lady Gaga was hit by a ransomware attack with more than 750 gigabytes of personal information stolen.
Drawing on terms first proposed in a series of stalled-out data privacy bills that date back to at least 2018, the Government Surveillance Reform Act of 2023 (GSRA) narrows the focus specifically to warrantless government interception at all levels from federal to local.
New DETOUR Act may pass in U.S. to fight against “dark patterns” which makes it illegal for tech companies to design, modify or manipulate user interface to obtain consent or user data.
National ransomware epidemic hits municipalities, school districts and local government agencies with 621 attacks recorded this year. Things are so bad that U.S. is drafting new legislation to prevent, mitigate and respond to future attacks.
With tens of thousands of contractors serving the Defense Department, the new vendor cyber security certificate aims to improve supply chain security by assessing contractors before allowing them to bid.
CISA notified 93 critical infrastructure organizations of the presence of a vulnerability that could lead to ransomware attacks, and plans to scale up the program and provide more warnings in the coming months.
Trump administration has announced a set of AI guidelines as the basis of regulating AI applications, which include 10 principles that federal agencies should consider.
A new law was included in 2020 budget bill which requires any U.S. company providing cyber capabilities to first notify the State Department and obtain permission before selling to foreign governments.
New proposed Washington Privacy Act will have provisions on facial recognition technology that require explicit opt-in consent for companies to collect and use biometric data.