It’s time to consciously Shift Left. Privacy teams must be involved with product development from the earliest stages. It’s the difference-maker between reacting to a privacy misstep after the fact and preventing the misstep in the first place.
Co-Founder & COO at TerraTrue
Before co-founding TerraTrue, Chris was the first General Counsel at Snap, where he built the company’s legal, compliance, public policy, and law-enforcement teams. During his time there, Chris developed a transformative privacy program that coupled rigorous review with tools and systems that were nimble enough not to restrain the relentless pace of execution. Chris is a Homeland Security Project fellow at Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs. And he’s constructed two crossword puzzles that have been published in the New York Times (one of which was featured on the Colbert Report). He graduated from Yale Law School.