5G networks provide lots of benefits and also unknown security risks. Organizations need to change their threat models to increase visibility, security awareness and control of the endpoints.
President and CEO at Atlantic.Net
Marty is the founder, president, and CEO of Atlantic.Net, a profitable and growing hosting solutions provider in Orlando. Marty’s strengths as a leader and visionary have helped him lead a successful business for over two decades. Atlantic.Net thrives thanks to Marty’s strategic acumen, technical prowess, and his valuable, old-fashioned habits of thrift, modesty, and discipline. Under Marty’s leadership, company has grown from a local Florida business to a global cloud services company serving over 15k plus business customers in over a 100 countries and backed by seven global data centers.
A cybersecurity arms race between business security teams and the hacking communities is forcing one another to innovate and increasing the complexities needed to gain access to protected data.
The IT security industry is facing a new wave of hacking through smart technology, machine learning, and artificial intelligence where hackers will unleash unethical tactics to target and manipulate individuals and organizations.