The Great Resignation is currently taking center stage. This massive employment shift leaves a huge opening for increased incidents of insider risk and intellectual property theft and should be of extreme concern for both security leaders and practitioners.
CTO at Code42
As chief technology officer, Rob leads our software development and delivery teams. He brings more than 20 years of security, cloud, mobile, and IT management experience to Code42. Prior to Code42, Rob worked as vice president of research and development at Ivanti, where he led and shaped the company's evolution from IT management technologies to security-focused solutions, with projects ranging from cloud-delivered analytics to hybrid cloud security. Prior to Ivanti, Rob served as senior director of research and development at VMware, the leader in virtualization and hybrid cloud.
Two-thirds of breaches are inside jobs. Yet, insider threat programs account for less than 10% of the budget. Are enterprise cybersecurity efforts properly prioritized?