The Vatican has joined major technology companies in support of the development of AI ethics to ensure the technology works for the common good of the people.
New declassified ruling shows how FBI abused the constitutional privacy rights of U.S. citizens in 2017 and 2018 by using NSA surveillance data to conduct backdoor searches.
According to Giovanni Buttarelli, the Privacy Paradox has already shaped the way we think about privacy in the digital age and could help to determine the next evolution of privacy regulation.
Throughout the past couple of decades, I have identified a dozen reasons why data privacy protection brings many business values, and should not be brushed aside or minimized in importance.
Simply following the law is not enough to meet ethical data mining standards. Businesses need to be proactive not just because it’s the right thing to do but also for the enormous business benefits.
As the technologies for gathering, analysing, and acting on information become increasingly powerful, we find ourselves facing a tipping point as we consider the impact of data-driven processes on the ethics in information management and the challenges of managing data privacy.