We will be welcoming speakers and delegates from more than 15 countries to the Data Privacy Asia 2016 conference on Nov 9, 2016. The conference theme for this year is Building Digital Trust: Establish an Ecosystem of Trust and Protection in the Digital Age, with a focus on how legal, compliance, risk management, information technology and cybersecurity professionals must lead the way forward and together address the challenges ahead.
In this post, we will provide highlights of the agenda and the thought leaders who will be joining us this year.
Trust vs. Innovation and Privacy vs. Security
We will kick off the Data Privacy Asia 2016 conference with a Fireside Chat with Mr. Yeong Zee Kin, Assistant Chief Executive and Commission Member at the Personal Data Protection Commission (PDPC) of Singapore. Hosted by Mr. Clement Teo, Principal Analyst at Ovum, the discussion will focus on how privacy and trust can help businesses innovate and grow.
This is a key consideration for companies looking to rapidly exploit new technologies to drive business growth. Opportunities in big data analytics, cloud solutions, mobile technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT) have made it easier to collect customer data; at the same time, there are also concerns about where and how it used. In this session, we will explore how the industry must work together to establish an ecosystem that is both pro-business and pro-trust, as enterprises continue to innovate and grow.
Continuing on the innovation and privacy theme, Ms. Michelle Dennedy, Chief Privacy Officer at Cisco Systems, will take us on a journey through the technology revolution and the future of privacy. Today, data is driving innovation in medtech, fintech, edtech, fashtech and other X-tech enterprises, and the insights from collecting and analysing huge amounts of data will help enterprises reap huge rewards and connect with consumers to derive greater benefits than ever before. Ms. Dennedy will share her insights on how X-tech enterprises are harnessing the power of data, but at the same must also balance the customers need for control over their privacy.
As technology advances and permeates every aspect of our lives, people are being led to believe they have no choice but to give up on privacy. The next session features Dr. Ann Cavoukian, the creator of Privacy by Design (PbD), who argues that the limiting paradigm of “zero-sum” – that you can either have privacy or innovation, but not both – is an outdated, win/lose model of approaching the question of privacy in the age of Big Data and the IoT. Dr. Cavoukian will also outline the Privacy by Design framework which will enable our privacy and our freedom, to live well into the future of a world permeated by data and how it is used.
But are privacy and freedom on two opposing fronts? Another debate rages in an age of ubiquitous technology which enables government surveillance – and whether security must trump privacy every time. Mr. Jeffrey Blatt, Of Counsel at Tilleke & Gibbins and a Silicon Valley pioneer, will lead the audience in an interactive discussion to answer the question: Does Security Always Win?
While governments have a responsibility towards their citizens to prevent and solve crimes, and to protect national security it remains a source of concern that today’s technology gives both governments and companies robust capabilities to conduct mass surveillance of virtually all of our activities. How can we balance the value of our data with its personal nature? History has repeatedly demonstrated the dangers of allowing governments to conduct unchecked mass surveillance on citizens. Unchecked corporate surveillance can be equally damaging. In this session, Mr. Blatt will debate the issues and discuss where the lines should be drawn.
Practitioner’s view on meeting the compliance challenges
Data Privacy Asia 2016 will also feature sessions that focus on meeting the challenges of a globally diverse regulatory and compliance landscape.
One of the key developments for 2016 is the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which has sharpened the laws around data use to provide more enforcement teeth with penalties that can punish firms with fines of up to 4% of their annual global turnover. Ms. Héloïse Bock, Partner at Arendt & Medernach, from Luxembourg will take an in-depth look into the core principles and applicability of the GDPR, and discuss what companies in Asia must do to avoid missteps.
Given the new requirements of the GDPR, companies and organisations doing business globally need to think hard about how to best implement efficient and effective data handling practices that are replicable and consistent. Mr. Andrew Clearwater, Privacy Director at OneTrust, will look at how an organisation can use tools such as a privacy impact assessment (PIA) and data mapping practices to understand how data flows through an organisation and whether these approaches are is the perfect tools to document and track new product and services initiatives.
But how does one deal with the myriad of very different national data protection regimes? Since 1983 and in light of the exponential growth of new data processing technologies, INTERPOL has continuously been refining its strategy, rules and procedures on data protection to ensure efficient international police cooperation amongst 190 member countries. Ms. Caroline Goemans-Dorny, Data Protection Officer at INTERPOL, will share the challenges that INTERPOL as a global organisation encounters and the approach and solutions it has adopted.
In the same vein, thought leaders from 10 Asia Pacific countries will be sharing the key data protection and compliance challenges in their respective regimes. Delegates will get greater insights on the requirements for Australia, Hong Kong, India, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.
To manage the diverse requirements, organisations must develop and implement a robust privacy management programme. Ms. Rebecca Herold, lead developer and author of ISACA’s Privacy Principles and Program Management Guide will conduct a one-day hands-on workshop to help Data Privacy Asia 2016 conference attendees evaluate the use of privacy impact assessments and the ISACA Privacy Principles as effective tools to identify and mitigate security and privacy risks.
Privacy challenges on IT and security
A key theme of the Data Privacy Asia 2016 conference is the need to focus on the issues and challenges at the intersection of Data Protection, Privacy and Cybersecurity.
This year, thought leaders at the nexus of these domains will be sharing their insights, including:
- Ms. Rebecca Herold, CEO and President at The Privacy Professor and Co-Founder at SIMBUS360, and a globally recognised expert in both the security and privacy space.
- Mr. Pierre Noel, Chief Security & Privacy Officer at Huawei, a highly respected professional in information security, privacy and enterprise risk management.
- Mr. Yoshihiro Satoh, former Chief Privacy Officer Asia at HP, and Adviser and Assistant Councillor for the National Information Security Center (NISC) for the Government of Japan.
- Mr. Lux Anantharaman, Head of Business Analytics Translation Center at Institute for Infocomm Research, a research scientist and technology entrepreneur in both the security and privacy space.
Areas covered include privacy challenges in data governance, using international standards to harmonise data privacy and security and proactive big data strategies to balance security, privacy and performance.
Today’s digital economy and hyper-connected world mandates a need for rapid response to reduce the damage and limit the consequences of a data breach. As more jurisdictions are implementing or contemplating mandatory reporting, enterprises must prepare to meet this requirement in an effective manner, rather than scrambling when the need arises. The Data Privacy Asia 2016 conference will host leading practitioners from the legal, technology and insurance fields to examine how enterprises can upgrade their breach response framework, processes and technologies to effectively deal with data breaches.
Building the Asia data protection, privacy and cybersecurity community
Data Privacy Asia recognises that data protection, privacy and cybersecurity has moved from the periphery to the centre, becoming a key strategic issue for business..
Over the last ten years, Asia has consistently ranked as the fastest growing region in the world. For the region to maintain its economic dominance, it must do more to address data challenges. Failure to do so will leave it lagging behind as the world becomes more technologically connected and advanced.
There is now a greater imperative for legal, compliance, risk management, information technology and cybersecurity professionals to lead the way. We are building this community for Asia and look forward to your involvement in this dialogue.