Google’s Acquisition of Fitbit may have privacy implications if they combine the health and fitness data with what they know about users from search and other Google services.
Amazon unveiled new product line which raised many Alexa privacy concerns, such as Echo Frames and Echo Loop smart ring which could be recording conversations without you knowing.
Report from the Internet Society, in partnership with Consumers International, shows continuing concerns with IoT security and privacy, where 53% of consumers distrust connected devices to protect their privacy and handle information in a responsible manner.
Technological advances in healthcare and medicine combined with AI is to create a brave new world that some have called the “Internet of Bodies.” What are the legal, privacy, security and ethical issues?
It's not quite the world of George Orwell's 1984, but employers and employees are still searching for a meeting of minds when it comes to privacy. Can a balance be struck between business imperatives and employee privacy? In part one of a two-part article we examine just how technology is contributing to a steady erosion of employee privacy and how both employer and employee must each bear some of the burden when it comes to privacy issues.